In a Million Words or Less...Tell Us About Your Scholar
Yes, parents/guardians, you are getting a homework assignment. This homework assignment is an important one. Please help us get to know more about your child. You are the person who knows your child best and the insight you provide will be most helpful. It often takes us a month or so to really get to know our students. Rest assured, we will read each letter and will use the information you so generously share with me to strengthen the education your child receives from us this year. However, we would also like you to know we value you and your child’s privacy and will not share the letters. Go ahead and brag about your child. Tell us what your child’s strengths are as a person and learner. What areas do you hope to see your child grow? What are your child’s outside interests? How might we best help your child. These are just a few ideas.
Our curriculum requires a lot of reading and writing with the goal that all children will develop into literate individuals. We support and encourage students’ achievements both inside and outside of the classroom (by using various mediums and styles to convey information) and outside the learning environment (by providing information on the blog). We are always available before school and during lunch, to offer any assistance or extra challenge as needed. Students may also contact me (Mrs. Vogel) in the evening 862-8073 if needed.
Please take time to complete this assignment, but in the interest of order, we would like to have them as soon possible. The “official” due date is Friday, September 19. Feel free to send the letter in with your child, drop it off in the office, or email to
Thank you, in advance, for taking time to do this for us. We look forward to a great year with your child.
Mrs. Vogel